
Macquarie Airports welcomes long term agreement on aeronautical charges at Copenhagen Airport

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15-Sep-2009 Macquarie Airports (MAp) notes the announcement that SLV, the Danish Civil Aviation Authority, has approved a long term agreement covering the future level and structure of aeronautical charges which has been reached between Copenhagen Airports A/S and its airline partners.

The agreement covers the period from 1 October 2009 to 31 March 2015. Prices will be held at current levels for 18 months and will then increase annually based on 1% above the yearly increase in the Danish Consumer Price Index (CPI+1) for the next four years. A number of revenue neutral structural changes have also been agreed, including increasing the proportion of charges related directly to passenger numbers rather than aircraft weight.

Ms Kerrie Mather, MAp's Chief Executive Officer, said "We welcome this long term commercial agreement and the certainty it provides. The agreement recognises the shared interests of Copenhagen Airport and its airline partners and provides a sound basis for the promotion of passenger growth and appropriate levels of investment in facilities and quality of service.

As part of the agreement, the airport has committed to invest an average of at least DKK500m per annum in infrastructure expansion and improvements between 1 January 2010 and 31 March 2015, or a total of DKK2,625m. There is also provision for further investment proposed by airlines to be remunerated through
changes in charges, following discussions between the partners.