
NAS Air launches its connected flights from their main hubs

Direct News Source

A Positive Step towards the Concept of "Smart Choice"

Al Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the 2nd of February 2010: Nasair announced the launching of its connected Flights Services from its main hubs in Riyadh and Jeddah starting March 2010 for domestic connected flights to 13 destinations daily within Saudi Arabia Also, by the end of the same month the service shall include the international flights to 11 destinations.

Suleiman Bin Abdullah Al Hamdan, the Chief Executive Officer of National Air Services, Nasair noted that the new services will enable the Nasair customers from various regions within the kingdom as well as its airline customers coming into Saudi Arabia to take advantage of Nas's direct network of flights from the Riyadh and Jeddah hubs to 24 domestic and international destinations on the same airlines.

Al Hamdan also confirmed his company's adoption of the "Smart Choice "concept which provides special services for value paid. "Smart Choice" is based on the principle of value for money early booking in exchange for competitive prices, allowing those who want to travel the opportunity to travel frequently at competitive prices.

Referring to Nasair's attempt to launch new destinations this year to a number of major international cities and capitals, Al Hamdan added that the company's plan to expand its network regionally and internationally is to meet the growing number of passengers demand for Nasairlines to become their preferred carrier, He also announced anew flight to Bombay India by end of March 2010.

Al Hamdan confirmed that Nasair has achieved concrete success reflected in the confidence and trust passengers and travelers who can rely upon their preferred carrier for credibility, and reliability for the travel times and special attention given to passengers. Market studies have confirmed that 90% of the company's customers affirm the accuracy of flight departures and that 93% of NAS airlines customers have expressed satisfaction with the high quality services provided.