
Hungarocontrol: There are no more limitations for flights in the Hungarian airspace

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20-Apr-2010 After an agreement reached among the National Civil Aviation Authority regarding the evaluation of the impact of volcanic ash on flight safety, HungaroControl has lifted the limitations on the use of Hungarian airspace issued earlier today.

In the new system based on the forecast of the London based Vulcanic Ash Alarm Centre the Central Flow Management Unit of Eurocontrol defines the high risk, low risk and no risk areas within the European airspace.

In the high risk areas there are no flights allowed, while is the low risk areas the decision has to be made by captains and airlines with the associated risks in mind. Although during the night air streams from the west have moved clouds containing volcanic ash over Hungary, no flight limitation is issued due to the low risk nature of these clouds.

"Since the source of this volcanic ash is rather remote to our country, the high risk areas are also located far away. Therefore we believe that the probability of further flight limitations in the coming days is reasonably low." - said Gyula Hangyál Chief Operations