
Weather conditions prevailing in Poland do not cause disruption to air traffic

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22-Dec-2010 Polish airports have recorded no weather-related disruption in the air traffic. Things get back to normal also at other airports in Europe following a sudden cold snap. Flight cancellations or delays observed are not generated by Warszawa FIR (Flight Information Region).

Today Poland is affected by weather conditions, which vary depending on geographical regions:

The Sub-Carpathian Region [Podkarpacie] recorded temperatures above freezing (+ 0° Celsius ).

In the Mazovian [Mazowsze] region, Lower and Upper Silesia [Dolny i Górny Śląsk] temperature ranges from 0 to below 2 ° Celsius.

In other regions of Poland temperature readings were below 5 ° Celsius .

The Pomerania Region proved coldest (below 10 ° Celsius).

Such adverse weather conditions pose a threat to the aviation transport related chiefly with the dangerous icing of aircraft, runways or aprons.

The airport operators are obliged to undertake a number of necessary activities to combat challenging weather conditions involving, among others, aircraft de-icing, runways or aprons de-snowing procedures.